Sunday, December 23, 2018

Exercise electrocardiogram in athletes

The recommendations to perform an exercise electrocardiogram in athletes and physically active individuals with high risk of coronary event before sports practice is directed, among others, to asymptomatic men over 35 years old, with one or more cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia ultrametabolismo, smoking, diabetes, and asymptomatic women 45 years of age or older with one or more cardiovascular risk factors and symptomatic individuals with possible ischemic heart disease of any age and sex.

I would also like to comment that although science demonstrates the numerous benefits that physical exercise and especially aerobic endurance have for cardiovascular health, it also shows that excess exercise can be harmful. It is proven that facing strenuous challenges like marathons or triathlons of medium or long distance without the necessary physical preparation cause structural damage to the heart.

This study, which evaluates cardiac damage in marathon runners through echocardiography and analysis of several blood parameters, shows that the levels of Troponin T (a marker of heart damage) were lower in athletes with better aerobic capacity ultrametabolismo review. Those athletes with more years of sports practice and especially with a greater accumulation of kilometers in their preparation for the marathon suffered less cardiac damage.

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